I was trying to export FO4.NIF into FO3.NIF via changing Target Game (Thought by changing it, OS would export the NIF the same way 3DSMax NIF plugin did) while doing these attempts.I discover how to CONVERT FO4.NIF to. Whole lot of Writing from before was deleted, but this is the second time Properties could fix a problem and on top of that allow Blender to be used.but I'm guessing cause I might be the only one using Blender this feature request and information is pointless. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED I JUST FIGURED OUT A WAY TO GET MESH IN AND OUT OF BLENDER WITHOUT 3DSMAX or 3DS NIF Plugin or Blender NIF Plugin while trying to find a workaround. People would be donating to Bodyslide rather than buy 3DSMax for 4000 or 1750/year, but I guess specific-use cases seem to not be where the money is flowing even when if add a button to make things easier for specific-use cases.